Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary Interprets Astro Compatability Fantasy Relationship, Keanu Reeves And Sandra Bullock. Serving Los Angeles, CA. USA
This compatibility report is between two superstar actors that most of us have seen and who have also starred in multiple films together. We see them as the roles they play in their films, but under the surface they are regular people like all of us and must deal with the same dynamics that are universal in all relationships. Love, chemistry, passion, likes and dislikes, are always part of any ongoing relationship no matter your ‘role’ in society. We all still seek that one individual with whom we feel these elements to the greatest degree possible.
This is a fun look at what it might be like if these two very public people were in a private relationship together.
It is meant to show YOU how to look into the dynamics of YOUR current relationship, or, what it would be like to be in a relationship with someone you are seeing, or are considering seeing.
This is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
In real life, Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves are NOT in an actual relationship…
If you would like to learn more about the Astrology or would like to arrange an in person reading in the Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, CA. area please contact me to set an appointment. Can’t make it in person? Contact me to set a Zoom, or phone reading at 818 430 8606.
Astro Compatibility and Conflict Report for
Birth Data for KEANU REEVES:
September 2, 1964
5:41 AM
Beirut, Lebanon
Birth Data for SANDRA BULLOCK:
July 26, 1964
3:15 AM
Arlington, VA
Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:
Positions and Data for KEANU REEVES:
Sun position is 9 deg. 42 min. of Virgo
Moon position is 16 deg. 20 min. of Cancer
Mercury position is 9 deg. 58 min. of Virgo
Venus position is 23 deg. 54 min. of Cancer
Mars position is 21 deg. 49 min. of Cancer
Jupiter position is 25 deg. 52 min. of Taurus
Saturn position is 1 deg. 02 min. of Pisces
Uranus position is 10 deg. 24 min. of Virgo
Neptune position is 15 deg. 25 min. of Scorpio
Pluto position is 13 deg. 50 min. of Virgo
Asc. position is 14 deg. 54 min. of Virgo
MC position is 13 deg. 28 min. of Gemini
2nd cusp position is 14 deg. 42 min. of Libra
3rd cusp position is 14 deg. 06 min. of Scorpio
5th cusp position is 16 deg. 07 min. of Capricorn
6th cusp position is 15 deg. 30 min. of Aquarius
Tropical/KOCH Standard time observed. GMT: 03:41:00
Time Zone: 2 hours East. Lat & Long: 33 N 53 35 E 30
Positions and Data for SANDRA BULLOCK:
Sun position is 3 deg. 19 min. of Leo
Moon position is 21 deg. 58 min. of Aquarius
Mercury position is 28 deg. 25 min. of Leo
Venus position is 24 deg. 06 min. of Gemini
Mars position is 27 deg. 00 min. of Gemini
Jupiter position is 22 deg. 14 min. of Taurus
Saturn position is 3 deg. 44 min. of Pisces
Uranus position is 8 deg. 08 min. of Virgo
Neptune position is 15 deg. 04 min. of Scorpio
Pluto position is 12 deg. 35 min. of Virgo
Asc. position is 26 deg. 24 min. of Gemini
MC position is 3 deg. 45 min. of Pisces
2nd cusp position is 20 deg. 11 min. of Cancer
3rd cusp position is 12 deg. 05 min. of Leo
5th cusp position is 18 deg. 30 min. of Libra
6th cusp position is 27 deg. 21 min. of Scorpio
Tropical/KOCH Daylight Savings Time observed. GMT: 07:15:00
Time Zone: 5 hours West. Lat & Long: 38 N 53 77 W 07
Welcome to the Astro Compatibility and Conflict Report and the myriad ways of expressing the continual dance of life. This report is based on methods employed through years of working with couples, observing relationships and analyzing the lives of the famous and infamous. The contacts described within this program are certainly not all the combinations possible between two people. But they are the core patterns of relationship analysis that I begin with in determining areas of compatibility and potential conflict between two people. I analyze these basic points of contact to arrive at my interpretation of what is central for an enduring relationship or for one that teaches something of importance and leaves a lasting impression. Additional parts, patterns and interpretations will be added to this report in the future.
In many of the interpretations, I've described the highest potential that one can strive for with a particular combination. Yet it is only a potential and we are human and have complex emotions and contradictory issues and reactions at any given time in our lives. Use this report as a guideline to make your relationships as rewarding and fulfilling as you possibly can. And know that your relationships are simply mirroring your own soul's struggles. Each relationship will fulfill something within you and challenge you to look at your shadow and transform yourself. Sometimes this means staying with a partner or a relationship and sometimes the learning process requires that you let the relationship go. These decisions are never easy and they should only be made after careful and truthful introspection, reflection and guidance. But ultimately, these decisions are yours and yours alone to make. Remember that variety is the spice of life and that although you may have some difficult areas of relating with a partner, it is in those areas that you can learn the most about yourself and others and grow in wisdom. It would be a mistake to look for a partner with whom you have no disagreements at all and this kind of relationship is a fantasy, rarely if ever, a reality.
Chapter 1: Enjoyment, Closeness and Lasting Impressions
This section is based on the idea that there are three basic needs in every relationship:
* Interest, energy and stimulation or sexuality.
* Enjoyment, abundance, expansion of awareness and happiness.
* Patterns for commitment, consistency, teaching each other or reaffirming something essential one for the other and vice versa.
The sort between your charts is for eleven separate aspects that define energy, fun and lasting impressions between you. Most strong relationships have at least four to six of these aspects between their charts.
KEANU REEVES's MC in Gemini and SANDRA BULLOCK's Asc in Gemini:
The personality style of SANDRA BULLOCK is reflected somehow in the career path or objectives of KEANU REEVES. KEANU REEVES is inspired by the easy and natural expression of SANDRA BULLOCK's energy and feels supported in career priorities, goals or needs. SANDRA BULLOCK feels the career or goals of KEANU REEVES harmonize or resonate with some innate aspect of their personality. Another intent of this aspect is to show how personality and career are related and intertwined. You will help each other with career choices and personal expression. Your personality may or may not be an advantage to your partner’s career objectives, that depends on other factors. However, a resonance is established because you reach out to the environment and pursue objectives sharing some similar values, interests or energy.
KEANU REEVES's Asc in Virgo and SANDRA BULLOCK's 4th House in Virgo:
KEANU REEVES understands and relates to SANDRA BULLOCK’s root or family issues and vice versa. You will find yourselves discussing themes of identity based on your personalities that were conditioned or shaped by your family of origin and even your ancestry. One intent of this aspect is to show how personality and behavior and one’s early conditioning are intertwined or related. KEANU REEVES's personality is compatible with or understands the deeper emotional or past history of SANDRA BULLOCK. SANDRA BULLOCK can provide physical or emotional comfort for KEANU REEVES and vice versa. Healing can take place because there is an appreciation of each other on a deeper level.
There is a serious quality in your relationship and a strong bond with each other. You may feel obligated toward each other or there could be obstacles making it difficult for you to be together. It is important for you to determine the level of commitment and responsibility you are willing to make. There are bound to be some obstacles for you to overcome in your life together. You may find the challenges strengthening to your bond with each other or they may prove to be burdensome. You have chosen this level of relating in order to develop endurance, integrity or to build something lasting together. This aspect tests your sense of integrity and right and wrong. Either one of you may resist these forces and choose not to take on the challenge but if you do, you will be stronger for it. This aspect requires a level of maturity and acceptance of certain responsibilities. No wimps need apply. If you focus only on the difficulties between you they will loom larger. If you focus on resolving your problems with mutual respect, your relationship will grow stronger and more stable over time. You have something important to accomplish together. Whatever the developmental level that you are able to reach, this relationship will create an impact that will not soon be forgotten.
This energy between you expresses the endless possibilities available and encourages the freedom to express your emotions. At the same time, the aspect leans towards excessive expression. Whether an expression is excessive, over the top or fitting for a particular context, is something the two of you will have to decide. How much is too much and the resultant consequences, is the learning curve you will be testing together. This aspect requires that both of you determine how you are exceeding your boundaries and whether that’s a good thing or not. Emotions will go out of control from time to time particularly when one of you is overwhelmed with too much to handle. The intent of this aspect is to teach you better judgment and encourage wisdom from the many and varied experiences you actively seek. There will be times of poor judgment when you will discover that you failed to take an important element of a situation into consideration. Resist saying "yes" until you’ve evaluated the conditions or slept on the idea or proposition. Exaggeration and failing to keep promises will create problems for you and so will overoptimism without full knowledge of the facts. If you experience too much "bad luck", re-evaluate your choices and be sure to be generous wherever you can to maintain the balance between taking and giving in your lives together.
KEANU REEVES's Venus Sextile SANDRA BULLOCK's Jupiter:
Enjoyment is the name of the game and good humor is abundant when you are together. You’ll find yourself laughing often and quickly generating your personal "inside jokes". There is genuine affection for each other and you express your warmth freely and easily. You generate happiness together as well as a generosity of spirit and optimistic attitude for life. In other words, you thrive in each other’s company. This aspect activates the good will in each of you and makes for a very pleasant atmosphere of mutual consideration, generosity and caring. The intent of this aspect is to bring you ease, comfort and plenty of opportunity to make the most of the resources you have. Being together can easily double your resources and bring you good fortune. Generosity comes with this combination, and, if you give when you have plenty, there will always be plenty for you when you need it. People enjoy being around you, they sense your caring, and you will have many social opportunities. Together you will feel stimulated to seek "the good life" and whatever that means for you. Guard against grandiosity, overspending or excessive displays of ego.
Risk, adventure and learning are important ingredients in your life together. The intent of this aspect is to broaden your horizons and your experiences through shared inquiry. You are meant to understand your limits by exceeding them in various ways in the course of your relationship with each other. Traveling and physical activities are likely important features of being together since there is a natural restlessness to the aspect. It’s possible you could give in to too much laziness but it will bottle up your positive output. The mind/body balance is one of the messages of this energetic combination. You are together to motivate, expand and develop your abilities, to take charge and lead yourselves or others into new territories of experience -- physically, mentally, even spiritually. You can spread optimism according to your means, and you may be philanthropic. There’s great joy and optimism in this combination and the two of you will continually see the silver lining in any black clouds that drift your way.
Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, Ca.
Chapter 2: Emotions and Communication Between You
These aspects detail the quality of the emotional connection and basic comfort between the two of you and your ease or difficulty in communicating, talking with each other and simply understanding where each of you is coming from. These aspects also describe how you reason together and resolve issues or problems.
KEANU REEVES's Moon in Cancer, and SANDRA BULLOCK's is in Aquarius:
Although you are attracted to each other on many levels, your basic day-to-day habits are probably very different. You approach life's mundane chores and happenings in ways that may not be clearly understood by your partner. Your feelings and responses can sometimes be confusing for the other person, as much as they care for you and want to understand. This can cause not only friction on a regular basis but also frustration for both of you. Your habits and peculiarities can grate on each other and be the cause of arguments and misunderstanding. If you care for each other, you will, with patience and willingness to compromise, resolve some of these differences. Still, you operate differently internally, which stems very much from your upbringing and how you responded to your early conditioning. These habits and predilections can be difficult to change, and you may simply have to accept the differences in each other. Discussing your feelings openly is a crucial part of this combination. There is a good chance that, once you really understand the emotions behind the attitude or habitual responses of your partner, greater tolerance will result. On the other hand, once your partner understands how you are affected by a particular response or habit, modifying the offending or annoying behavior is part of the compromise necessary for relationship harmony. This aspect definitely requires more tolerance, acceptance and willingness to allow for differences in mood and reaction. You have attracted this combination because you need to dig deeper into your habitual ways of responding and seek out the roots of your behavior by exploring your upbringing. There are many things you do that are unconscious and automatic, and contact with your partner will allow you to take a closer look, modify the negatives and also reaffirm your strongest feelings.
SANDRA BULLOCK's Mercury in Leo, and KEANU REEVES's is in Virgo:
Although you are attracted to each other, there are times when one of you will have great difficulty in figuring out where the other is coming from and what she (or he) is trying to tell you. Your styles of communication can be very different. The premises upon which you base your reasoning or the logic you use will often perplex your partner. Especially if you have to decide on projects or activities together, your differences can quickly become an issue between you. Talking things through slowly, step by step, will help each of you to understand how the other arrived at his (or her) opinion or conclusion. This will take patience but in the end will be worth it. What's more, by taking the time to really understand how your partner is thinking, you can not only learn something important about your partner but also get a different perspective yourself. You will also learn how your communication affects others, since your partner is probably not the only one who can't always understand what you're trying to say or figure out your logic. You've attracted this kind of relationship exactly for the purpose of fine tuning your thought processes and becoming more adept and flexible in the ways you have of communicating with others. This will be doubly useful if you are in a business that requires writing or regularly communicating with others.
Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, Ca.
Chapter 3: Fulfilling Each Other's Partnerships Needs
These aspects explain how you meet each other's desires and dreams in special partnerships and one-on-one relationships. These aspects are based on what your natal chart describes that you're looking for in any major relational interaction.
KEANU REEVES's Venus Sextile SANDRA BULLOCK's 7th house ruler, Jupiter:
You naturally encourage each other’s goodwill and generosity. You will actively seek positive and abundant life experiences together. There is a sweetness and kindness that runs like a thread through your relationship and others will love you for that. You have many ways to express your affection and appreciation for each other. You will want to give but it needn’t always be in a material way. However, acknowledgement and appreciation for what you give to each other is integral to the ongoing health of your partnership. Your taste for abundance and the good life can cause you to expand, exaggerate or become indulgent in negative ways. Be alert to balancing your expenditures of time, money and any other of your tangible and psychic resources. Equalizing your giving and taking will bring you the most long-term satisfaction. The intent of this aspect is to encourage your expression of generosity, thankfulness and consideration in all your dealings with each other and with those you meet on the path of life. You will also need to discover the motives behind your giving and determine their appropriateness. Discovering wisdom amidst your varied experiences is a natural by-product of this energy between you.
KEANU REEVES's Mars Sextile SANDRA BULLOCK's 7th house ruler, Jupiter:
You will encourage each other to act on your impulses or take advantage of opportunities that come your way. There is a sense of adventure that is stimulated by being together. Testing your limits through sports or otherwise taking risks is a feature of this aspect between you. Your actions and plans can easily influence others to take chances and expand their life possibilities. Your encouragement can make a positive difference in other people’s lives. Your energy together encourages a renaissance style or one that is interested in many different activities and projects, and sometimes in your desire to experience, you will overwhelm yourselves and your schedules. Be aware of the difference between recognizing an opportunity and being an opportunist. Resist making too many claims to boost your self-importance or making promises that you cannot or will not keep. The intent of this aspect is to have you go beyond instant gratification and seeking the applause of others. Applause will come naturally as you act wisely in taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way or expanding the resources at hand. In the process, you will learn about misjudgment and miscalculation, especially if you act without the necessary information. You can achieve great things by curbing ego, staying on target and eliminating unnecessary distractions that keep you from your important goals.
KEANU REEVES's Jupiter Conj SANDRA BULLOCK's 7th house ruler, Jupiter:
You encourage each other to think big. The sky's the limit when you pool your energies and focus on your goals. Nothing seems impossible. You see the big picture and possess a can-do attitude. In other words, you fuel each other to take chances for success. Indeed, you can accomplish great things together. However, you will need to separate simple bravado or exaggeration from a sense of excellence and achievement. Keeping your feet on the ground and refusing to take foolish risks will help you get the most out of this energy you create together. Others will gravitate to your enthusiasm for whatever project you're involved with. Your generosity and goodwill will dispose others positively toward you. Staying active physically and balancing the physical with healthy doses of mental pursuits will keep you young and vigorous. It's tough for you to say no to a challenge, but practicing good judgment will earn you the most success and prevent unnecessary wear and tear on your energy reserves. Your enthusiasm cannot be contained and you'll want to share your experiences with others through teaching, storytelling (watch those tall tales), art, music or other creative venues. The intent of this aspect is to teach you discernment. Life will provide you with seemingly endless options and opportunities, and the two of you will have to decide which ones are worth pursuing. It's easy to get distracted, since you tend to be renaissance types interested in many and varied activities. Taking stock of your overall goals on a regular basis will help you keep on track.
SANDRA BULLOCK's Neptune Conj KEANU REEVES's 7th house ruler, Neptune:
You transmit or exchange feelings or sensations that are unseen and non-verbal. Either you recognize a kindred spirit in your partner or, sometimes, you can be confused by what you pick up. More than likely you perceive a combination of feelings. You can easily share similar, if not the same dreams, ideals and imaginings. You will engage in each other's dreams and you can cause each other inspiration or, again, confusion. So much of what you transmit to each other depends on the level of awareness and centeredness you've reached and how well you believe in the power of your dreams to come true. You will most certainly also share your sorrows and disappointments. Make sure that you don't place your partner on a pedestal and attribute characteristics that he or she cannot maintain. There's no doubt your partner will sometimes disappoint you, but that's life. Your partner is not here solely to make your every desire come true. The intent of this aspect is to sensitize you even more to the subtleties of relationship and how mood, voice tone and energies are translated between you and by you. If you are in the creative arts, there are many times when you can be muses for one another.
SANDRA BULLOCK's Pluto Sextile KEANU REEVES's 7th house ruler, Neptune:
You may feel a sense of destiny when you first meet. Almost certainly you feel you have something important to share with each other. What you do share can be physical, material or sometimes quite intangible, but special to each of you just the same. You elicit images and strong feelings in each other. You can be inspiring to each other, although, at times, the impact of the insights you give each other can be quite dynamic, even threatening to your psyches. The intent of this aspect is to deepen your wisdom and understanding of the underlying currents and conditions of life, including your inner psychological condition. You will also often inspire each other to serve or give back to life and community. One of you may seek a political position or in other ways provide necessary and compassionate community service. One may inspire the other to express latent energies and talents. Be aware that there is also the possibility that one of you will try to overpower or control the good nature and willingness of the other. Be warned, that this will always backfire and create problems and tensions between you. Use your power to heal each other and soothe away the tensions of daily living. This is a much better use of your refined energies.
Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, Ca.
Chapter 4: Your Closest Contacts, Your Strongest Themes
This section interprets the closest connections between your charts. The idea is that the closest ties explain the major or central themes of your relationships and the reason you have come together. The nature of these aspects will also define the main activities, interests and patterns that comprise your life together.
Notice that in this section each paragraph contains both the easier expression of energies as well as the more challenging ones. Both interpretations are included because these close connections pertain to the central learning curve of your relationship. Based on the premise that the more exact the connection (also the closest energetic contact) between your pair of planets, the more psychologically significant the aspect will be for each of you. This means that you are likely to be strongly influenced by each other in the areas described. Because of this, it will be useful to consider both the easier and more challenging interpretations even though you lead with one of them. You will, from time to time and in various circumstances, probably exhibit some elements of each group, both the easier expressions as well as the more challenging ones. Another thing -- it's possible with both types of aspects that you will have the same challenges but simply respond or react to them in different ways. The goal is to rise to the best possible expression of each combination. This is the learning curve and this bestows wisdom.
SANDRA BULLOCK's Neptune Trine KEANU REEVES's 7th house cusp (easier aspect):
If this is the most exact aspect between your charts, your main relationship theme concerns sensitive, compassionate attunement to others and to your surroundings. There is also a strong artistic sensibility and self-expression with this aspect.
Easier aspects: Your relationship is focused more on inner feelings and sensibilities than on the external masks you wear. The way you feel when you are together and the energy exchanged between you mean more to you than other characteristics. You have a silent way of communicating with each other that is endearing to those who know you. Both of you are likely to be interested in service or community work of some kind. Bringing hope and inspiration into situations that are difficult, and providing understanding and relief means much to you. Music and the arts runs like a thread through your lives.
Challenging aspects: Your kindness and compassion can be displaced, and you need to be conscious of your boundaries and those of others. You easily absorb the energies of the environment or people close to you. Take regular time to retreat and sort out the stimuli you've picked up, in order to alleviate the saturation and, oftentimes, confusion that results. Because you are sensitive, protect yourselves from being taken advantage of. Sometimes, life is difficult for those with your sensibility, but avoid substance abuses. Instead, seek sources of inspiration such as music, the arts, meditation or a spiritual practice and spend time with positive people.
KEANU REEVES's Mars Sextile SANDRA BULLOCK's Jupiter (easier aspect):
If this is the most exact aspect between your charts, your main relationship theme is to challenge yourselves and take risks based on your ideals and dreams. Expanding and stretching previous boundaries is another expression of this theme.
Easier aspects: Your energy together is enthusiastic and positively motivated. You can encourage others to take more risks for themselves and be an inspiration to those who want to excel. Generosity and a willingness to lend a hand characterize your relationship. You will seek to learn, travel and, in general, make the most of your lives. Participating or watching sports can be a favorite part of your overall activities.
Challenging aspects: In your enthusiasm, you can go to extremes. At times, pushing the envelope means you go further than most but, at other times, you can alienate others with your bravado and "know it all" attitude. Through trial and error, you will understand just how far you can go. Curb exaggeration and simply focus on being the best you can be. In important decisions, take time to consider all the facts before you commit yourselves. And then, keep your promises.
SANDRA BULLOCK's Pluto Square KEANU REEVES's MC (challenging aspect):
If this is the most exact aspect between your charts, your main relationship theme is one of expressing your power and potential fully and completely and creating advantages and an example for others in the process.
Challenging aspects: You are drawn to and even magnetized by each other. The feelings you have for your partner can at times be overpowering. If you're not careful, you can overreact and express such negative emotions as jealousy, rage, possessiveness and attempting to control your partner. Make no mistake, everyone has these feelings, but, if they take over your relationship and are excessive or bring pain, then you'll need some professional counseling. There is great energy between you and you have the potential to be quite successful. Make sure, however, that your big plans are legal and ethical and, if you put up big stakes that you've researched the risk and the expenditures are worth it.
Easier aspects: You probably felt a strong connection with your partner when you first met. Each of you knew that you were curious about the other. Your interest was piqued and you wanted to know, what makes this person tick? Your partner is a powerful person and could easily be powerful in their chosen career. As partners, your work in the world will develop and grow faster than for either of you alone. You could be in business together or otherwise collaborate on projects. There is an insistence in your energies that wants to transform outworn systems and breathe new life into them. In the same sense, you will always find ways to renew your own relationship. And as you process your struggles, your bond will become stronger and stronger.
If you would like to learn more about your own Compatibility with another and would like to arrange an in person reading in the Los Angeles, Los Angeles County or Ventura County, CA. area please contact me to set an appointment. Can’t make it in person? Contact me to set a Zoom, or phone reading at 818 430 8606.