The categories and questions below are only some of the most frequently explored.
Each soul is precious and unique, with life circumstances as varied and numerous as the stars themselves.
By sharing the gifts and insights Anthony has been blessed with, he is here to assist you, and reveal your inner guidance so that you may find your own true happiness.
Below are only a few subjects that may come up in your reading with Anthony. You may focus on as many topics as time allows.
Psychic and Love Relationships
Will I ever meet my soul mate or find someone to love who loves me in return? Is my current relationship the right one for me? How can I recognize, create and nurture True Love in my life? Does my current partner really love me? Have they been faithful? Will we stay together? How do they truly feel about me? Will I ever have children? Will my long-lost love return once more to love me again?
Am I in the best position or profession for me at this time? Will I get hired, fired, or possibly receive that promotion? Is it time for me to venture out on my own? Should I pursue my own dreams in an entirely new direction? What would I be naturally good at?
Is it coming or going? Do I have good fortune coming or is it time for me to lay low and play it safe? What are the possibilities of increasing my career status? When should I pursue financial freedom? Can I look forward to a lucky streak, when I might win, or experience a financial windfall?
How is my health? Is there a best time for a medical procedure that would promote the most beneficial outcome? What are my best opportunities for recovery, optimum health and vitality? Tapping into your natural vitality and realizing the joy and energy of vibrant health, may require the resolution of past emotional issues.
Gifts and Challenges
Am I on the best path for my highest good? Am I currently actualizing all of my true abilities, gifts and potentials? Is my ship sailing true? This is where Anthony's Life Coaching experience can be invaluable.
You are a Spiritual Being, in a physical body, having a human experience. Hu in Sanskrit, (the most ancient of languages) means God — therefore Hu-Man means God-Being! God, then, is in each and every one of us. Your own Infinite Divine Nature awaits within you to Reveal the glory of your Spirit's journey.
Full Astrological Natal Chart
Full Astrological Life Analysis
Anthony utilizes multiple Charts In this in-depth One-Hour reading of your life's gifts and challenges.
Reading includes 1 hour of pre-reading research, Natal, Progressed and Solar Returns, and full Transits charts—all given to you at end of session.
In addition, this includes one full hour of comprehensive interpretation by the Master himself, Anthony. Please feel free to record your session, as much information will be revealed at that time.
Please note: Accurate birth information is very important to ensure the deepest most profound insight into your total human potential.
Rippling Waves:
A Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe
Renowned psychic Anthony Teresi takes us on an exciting spiritual adventure through the heart of the universe to gain a deeper awareness of the truth that underlies all reality. The mystic visions he describes are dazzling, the implications profound, and the recommendations challenging.