As we enter the new year of 2025, I wanted to share a reflection on the deeper meanings and esoteric truths associated with the Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot. This card is rich in symbolism and holds profound insights about life, destiny, and the nature of existence. With the intensity of everyday life increasing, as it most assuredly will, it is like a healing balm to hold dear to these deep and profound realities we all are are part of.

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California

1. The Cyclical Nature of Existence

The Wheel represents the perpetual cycles of life: birth, death, and rebirth; creation, preservation, and destruction. It reminds us that all things are impermanent and in constant motion, echoing the Buddhist principle of samsara (the cycle of existence).

   •   Truth: Change is inevitable, and life flows in rhythms and patterns. Mastery comes from understanding and aligning oneself with these cycles.

2. The Interplay of Fate and Free Will

The Wheel suggests a delicate balance between destiny (what is beyond our control) and free will (how we respond). It implies that while we can’t always control external circumstances, we can influence outcomes by choosing how we navigate them.

   •   Truth: Life is a dance between surrender and effort. True wisdom lies in knowing when to act and when to let go.

3. The Law of Karma

The Wheel is a reminder of the karmic principle: what goes around comes around. It symbolizes the consequences of past actions returning, either as challenges or blessings.

   •   Truth: Every action has a ripple effect. The seeds you plant will determine the harvest you reap.

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California

4. The Unity of Opposites

The Wheel often includes symbols of duality—rising and falling, light and dark, fortune and misfortune—indicating the necessity of opposites in creating balance and harmony.

   •   Truth: Opposites are not contradictions but complementary forces. Embracing duality leads to inner harmony and deeper understanding of life’s paradoxes.

5. The Mystery of Time and Eternity

The Wheel connects the temporal (ever-turning cycles of time) with the eternal (the unmoving center). This reflects the idea that while external events are in constant flux, there is an unchanging truth or center within.

   •   Truth: Beneath the surface of constant change lies a timeless essence. Seek the stillness within to transcend the chaos of the external world.

6. Divine Order and Cosmic Intelligence

The Wheel often features esoteric symbols (like the Hebrew letters spelling “YHWH” or the alchemical elements), hinting at the hidden order behind apparent randomness. It suggests that the universe operates according to divine laws, even when events seem chaotic.

   •   Truth: Trust the unseen forces at work. Even in chaos, there is a hidden order guiding all things toward their rightful place.

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California

7. The Role of Perspective

The experience of the Wheel changes depending on where one stands—at its edge, where the turning is tumultuous, or at its center, where all is still. This suggests the importance of cultivating inner stillness and detachment.

   •   Truth: Your experience of life is shaped by your perspective. The closer you align with your inner center, the less you are buffeted by external changes.

The Wheel of Fortune

… is a profound reminder of life’s complexity, the interconnectedness of all things, and the dance between fate, effort, and surrender. Its truths invite us to navigate the outer world while uncovering the timeless wisdom within.


A great gift to yourself or to another, is to have a reading with Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary. He will be able to point out the great cycles at play in your life and help you sort out the deep emotional issues and decisions you may be facing. What may be even more important is how to identify these issues in terms of their best and most self-fulfilling method of expression. Set an appointment here.

Tried - True - Trusted

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California


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