The Super Eclipses Of 2024 - The New Horizons - Part Two

While it is true the Super Eclipses of 2024 will bring to bear great trials in maintaining what has become an impossible status quo, it is also true that these events to follow are merely the prelude to one of the most significant times and breakthroughs for our planet and all of its inhabitants that we have seen in centuries!

It is the year that sees Pluto entering the sign Aquarius, signaling a monumental mini-epoch for this time in history.

solar eclipse 2024

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California

It is not so easy to speak of destructive forces and the rebirthing and transformation of an entire planet. This can often send a shiver down the spine of even the most stalwart of individuals. Many will ask the obvious questions… Are we going to lose our familiarity with life? Is everything going to be gloom and doom? Are environmental catastrophes going to overcome civilization as we know it? And on and on. The answers to these questions are significant, indeed shedding light on the natural processes that occur now and the monumental results that follow to sweep the evolutionary board clean. This is, however, only the beginning of the extraordinarily beautiful process of spiritual evolution that is here ready to work its magic.

The last time Pluto entered into Aquarius was in 1778. It had been slowly transiting the sign Capricorn, its last stop around the zodiac until this very year, when it finally moved into the liberating sign of Aquarius. The eclipses of 2024 are merely the prelude to the next 19-year cycle in which we will see extraordinary events and innovations, not to mention the amazing human beings who will be born during this time, day, and age.

We need only return to the 1800’s to get a glimpse of what might be in store ahead. In the fields of science, for example, such giants of their time such as Nicola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Madame Curie, came to us. And one of the greatest if not the greatest modern discovery in the history of humanity, electricity, came to change the world forever. Electricity, by its very nature, is a property associated with the sign Aquarius, and more particularly with its ruling planet Uranus. Most of us can hardly imagine a world without electricity. Yet there was a time, not that long ago, where our daily routine ended at dusk and did not return until dawn. Could we even imagine such a world today? This, of course, is only one example. Yet it was this single discovery more than any other that gave birth to the so called ‘Gilded Age’ where the planet was remade amid global economies growing exponentially. As an example, during this time the U.S. grew to become the number one economy in the world surpassing Great Britain. These are the kinds of discoveries that we can look forward to over the next 19 years, and of course, ongoing into the next greater cycle of 248 years.

solar eclipses 2024

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California

The period of Pluto transiting through the humanitarian sign of Aquarius is not only limited to scientific growth. All manner of human endeavor came under the scrutiny of this transformational period. And yes, many wars broke out during this time, including our own Civil War. Yet it was Abraham Lincoln, who was able to unite a nation under one government, “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…” which is a quote that encapsulates the very essence of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, more than any other. Lincoln was, of course, an Aquarian.

Social activity and other more benign movements for peace came to the forefront during this period of time. Great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, were born to lead the most significant and revolutionary approach to war of all time, that of passive resistance. We know how this one man started a movement to shake the entire world. Interestingly enough, although Gandhi was a Libra, he was, unfortunately assassinated during the sign of Aquarius. 

Tremendous titans were born or came to prominence during this period to shape the destiny of music and the arts, initiating the modern era. Their influence to this day reminds us of the imprint they left. Composers, such as the great Mozart, Beethoven, who was the original rockstar of his era, Wagner, who wrote the most prolific operas of any composer up to his time, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, and on and on. It is scarcely possible to list everyone in this posting, but you can see an amazing resurgence of ‘genius’ in those who were born during this period of time. 

solar eclipses 2024

 Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California

Humanitarians, such as fierce individualists like Harriet Tubman, Benjamin Franklin, Florence Nightingale, Frederick Douglass, were all personalities that emerged during this revolutionary time to make their mark and impact the way the new vision was forging its way through a relentless evolution that was finding its way forward.

It’s only possible to touch on a few significant representatives of the past age but I think it’s enough to see what we’re getting at. While it is true that this period of time was marked by great wars and much suffering, it is also true that these events cleared the way for the most amazing innovations and giant steps forward that humanity had ever previously taken. Up until this period of time the population of the world was doing rather poorly but after the 1800s and this time of Pluto moving through Aquarius, everything changed and essentially a new truth of living emerged. We realized great possibilities during this period of time and the great innovators that came to lead us were some of the greatest heroes to ever be born in any singular period of time in the history of planet earth. 

Most individuals within an earshot of this post will be here to see the transit of Pluto, traverse through the sign Aquarius and then on into Pisces. By the time this transit completes, we will have seen tremendous transformation, not unlike the 60s and 70s, where society was rocked and reshaped

solar eclipses 2024

This is the time and these are the portends of the events that will dramatically shape our world over the next 248 years!


A great gift to yourself or to another, is to have your natal chart interpreted by Anthony Teresi Master Astrologer. He will be able to point out the exact position of the planets in your chart and help you sort out what may be the deep emotional issues you may be facing in life. What may be even more important is how to identify these issues in terms of their best and most self-fulfilling method of expression. Set an appointment here.

Tried - True - Trusted

 Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California


New planetary cycle now brings sweeping changes profoundly transforming Mother Earth.
