Toxic Relationships? See If You’re in One and How to Get Out!

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, CA.

Anthony Teresi. Psychic Visionary is an expert in all manner of relationships. Be they relationships of a romantic nature, parent, child, boss, employee, or whatever the relationship is, Anthony Teresi has helped countless individuals throughout the course of his many years as a practicing psychic. Needless to say, one of the most difficult issues to deal with are toxic relationships. These are relationships that produce great heartache, seem to be going nowhere, and yet the partners can’t seem to let go or disengage.

By definition, a toxic relationship is characterized by harmful patterns of behavior, miscommunication, and interactions between individuals that can have emotionally and psychologically damaging effects. The long-term negative effects on the individuals involved can alter a person’s life for some time to come. Through many years of experience Anthony Teresi, through a variety of psychic readings, has determined certain key factors to look for that can help you determine if in fact your relationship falls into this category.


1. Emotional abuse - Emotional abuse is the most common aspect of toxic relationships. It involves constant patterns of verbal attacks, threats, humiliation, and intimidation and controlling or diminishing the other person. As you might imagine this can have severe emotional and psychological consequences such as feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness.

2. Communication – Lack of effective communication seems to be one of the keys in terms of any relationships’ success or failure. One of the most common factors in toxic relationships is unhealthy communication. Partners engage in frequent yelling, shouting matches or stonewall the other by simply refusing to communicate, thereby shutting the other person down. This type of passive aggressive behavior instead of opening up and having respectful conversations can seriously expose anyone to experiencing feelings of deep alienation.

3. Criticism - One of the factors that a psychic reading will show is the difficulty of constant criticism. When this becomes a regular occurrence in toxic relationships, instead of constructive feedback, there is a consistent and seemingly never-ending pattern of finding faults and nitpicking. Criticizing each other’s choices, appearance or behavior, erodes self-esteem, and continually creates a negative environment.

4. Manipulation and Control – These are the types of tools that one or both partners may be utilizing in terms of tactics to gain control and power over the other person. This can involve emotional manipulation, guilt tripping, gaslighting, and using threats of coercion to manipulate their partner’s thoughts, feelings and actions.

5. Lack of Respect - As we look at these types of relationships and during the course of a psychic reading, we find that often a lack of respect for one another’s boundaries, opinions and individuality has emerged in the relationship. Disrespectful behavior can include name-calling, insults, belittling and demeaning comments, adding further to hurt feelings and alienation.

Toxic Relationships? See If You’re in One and How to Get Out!

6. Lack of Trust - In a psychic reading, it has been shown over and over that trust is a vital component of any healthy relationship. In difficult relationships trust is often broken, or absent. Partners may lie, deceive, or betray one another leading to constant suspicion and insecurity. Deep emotional pain and an inability to totally commit is the result of lack of trust. 

7. Intense Power Struggles - Because of the multifaceted aspects of these kinds of difficult relationships, intense power struggles often develop. Conflicts, and often a constant battle for control and dominance lead to a highly unstable and unhealthy environment and dynamic, especially if children are involved. Often one partner feels the need to gain the upper hand and control the other. Emotional blackmail can often be the result.

8. Emotional Exhaustion - The result of these kinds of interactions lead to emotional exhaustion and of course, unhappiness. Toxic relationships take a toll on everyone’s emotional well-being. These types of relationships often experience chronic stress, anxiety, depression and a general sense of unhappiness. Negative dynamics such as these can drain the emotional, mental and even physical resources of both individuals.

9. Unequal Balance of Effort - Often the person coming to seek a psychic reading to determine the nature of their relationship will see themselves in an unequal balance of effort. It may seem to them that they are consistently giving more effort, care, and attention to the relationship, while the other person takes advantage of their efforts. During the course of a psychic reading, an individual can verbalize and articulate a sense of imbalance, resentment, and feelings of being undervalued. Pouring out negative emotions in a safe environment such as a reading with Anthony can often have a temporary healing quality to them.

10. Isolation from Support Systems or Loved Ones - It is often found that toxic partners may attempt to isolate their significant other from friends and family, or other support systems. They may for example, discourage or outright try to prevent an individual from getting a psychic reading, or even curtail their social interactions, which can further deepen the individual’s dependence on the toxic relationship, and make it even harder for them to leave.


The Way Out

Toxic Relationships? See If You’re in One and How to Get Out!


It is important to remember that toxic relationships can occur in many types of interactions, including romantic relationships, friendships, family relationships, or even professional relationships. Recognizing these characteristics is crucial to identify and address toxicity in relationships and, when necessary, seek help and support to safely exit such relationships. 

Through the many psychic readings that Anthony Teresi has done for clients over his multi-decade career, these types of readings are the most difficult. Often during the course of the reading, he will encourage his client to recognize they are in a toxic relationship, and to muster the desire to move on. Here are just a few of some of the considerations that Anthony has found will help people to first identify that they are in fact, in a toxic relationship and what steps to take toward freeing themselves. 

First, it is important that you are acknowledging you are in this type of relationship. Recognizing and accepting that the relationship is unhealthy and detrimental to your well-being. It is also paramount in coming to understand that it is not your fault and that you deserve better. One of the best ways to move forward is to seek support, whether it be through a psychic reading with Anthony Teresi, or to reach out to trusted friends or family members who can provide emotional support and guidance during this difficult time. Often, an outside perspective will help you stay strong. Prioritizing self-care of your physical and emotional well-being is an absolute must during these difficult times. Engaging in activities that make you happy, practicing self compassion, and creating boundaries to protect yourself from further harm are also a must. 

Once the moment has arrived and you realize the time has come to make your departure it is necessary to create a safety plan. This is true especially if you’re concerned about your safety when ending a relationship as many are. This might involve seeking help from local authorities, finding a safe place to stay or informing someone you trust about your situation. When the time comes and you are ready to have an honest conversation with your partner about ending the relationship, be clear and firm about your decision, but also prioritize your safety. Consider doing it in a public place, or with a support person present. 

Once you have ended the relationship it is imperative that you cut off all contact. Remove their contact information, block them on social media, and avoid places where you might bump into them. After the breakup you will enter a transition phase and a time of healing. This will also see a time when you may be seeking additional psychic insight, or perhaps even professional therapeutic help in coping with the aftermath. Having a support team assisting you while processing your emotions and rebuilding your self-esteem will enable you to move forward. This is the most positive way to approach the transition and to create a new beginning in your life. 

You deserve to be loved, cherished, and respected. These are the elements of a healthy relationship between any two people, and if they are not part of your life and relationship at this time then it is time to consider taking action. 

These are the best times to have a consultation with Anthony Teresi, Psychic Visionary. He has helped many individuals cross these types of boundaries and create new beginnings for themselves. He is a master at determining your partners true intentions and motivation, whether or not you really are in danger and what it means to have a new vision for your future!

Toxic Relationships? See If You’re in One and How to Get Out!

Anthony is a master in all these areas. 

 Set up a session today!

Tried - True - Trusted

 Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California


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